FutureFest Forward

Nesta launches a new free event series on AI and our future, curated by body>data>space, that runs ahead of the main FutureFest in July. It’s called FutureFest Forward.

The events take place at Nesta, 58 Victoria, Embankment, London EC4Y 0DS

Thursday 19 April AI and Future Society
Chaired by Geoff Mulgan (CEO, Nesta) with Azeem Azhar (Curator, Exponential View), Ben Donaldson (Head of Campaigns, UNA-UK), Sheeza Shah (Founder and CEO, UpEffect), Ramon Amaro (Lecturer, Goldsmiths, University of London) and Ghislaine Boddington (Creative Director, body>data>space).

Thursday 17 May AI and the Future of Work
Tickets Here

Thursday 14 June AI and Creativity Futures
Tickets Here

FutureFest, one of Europe’s largest festivals of the future, explores through debates, showcases, immersive experiences and mesmerising installations how the most pressing challenges of our time could be tackled by developing radical alternative future visions.

This pre programme will draw on some of the big questions we’ll be focusing on this year.

The series will be exploring Artificial Intelligence and how we can start to see, feel and grapple with what it could mean for our daily lives. It will attract trendsetters, changemakers, innovators and creative minds who want to keep abreast of new thinking as well as professionals who are tasked with solving social and public problems in their jobs.

Join the FutureFest community to explore:

How can we ensure that the aims of human-level performance for AI takes into account morals and ethics, philosophical concerns and non bias judgements?

How can we ensure that human beings are empowered by the additionally of AI to our own intelligence, and that it expands and enhances our human experience, rather than manipulates and misuses us?

How can we participate positively within this burgeoning immersive and conversational collaboration with intelligent machines?

What is the best way forward in the use of AI to augment human beings, to help us advance with AI beyond planning, learning and reasoning into blended memory, decision making and creativity?

Registration opens at 17.30 with the event starting promptly at 18.00. The events are followed by networking drinks until 20.30.